Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Blog

I decided to create a new blog! Yahoo!

Actually, its more like reviving and continuing the old blog in a different address. This is the 2nd reincarnation of "departing from wasteland" (DFW). Blog-city was its first address then it was transferred to Multiply when blog-city closed down. Nowadays, Multiply is like a ghost town with the advent of Facebook and Twitter. Its not as exciting as before. So I finally decided to resurrect DFW on the very stable and dependable Blogspot. And here it is!

I don't have time now to spruce up the site and P(F)ersonalize it. Heck, I don't even know if I have time to write anything given the hectic sched. I just want the birth pains to be over and done with, not that theres a lot. :) I just want to put it up before procrastination sets in again.

And so a new chapter begins in chronicling my life (for future scholars and movie makers to study) as I continue my search for the borders of wasteland.

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